Have you stopped learning new things?

And some ideas on how to start again.

Sandhya Hegde
2 min readMar 7, 2016

When I hit 30, I realized I had to make a serious effort to learn a new thing. And by this I don’t mean new facts and ideas but new skills. I am busy enough that the ROI instinctively didn’t seem worth it for many projects but then what’s the opportunity cost of mental stagnation?

Learning new skills — however trivial their direct value and however time consuming the effort — is always worth it. Other than the inherent joy of acquiring a new skill, learning a new one also helps you keep a growth mindset. It helps you feel more comfortable stepping outside your comfort zone in work, embracing failure and remembering what being a beginner is all about. Best way to kill the fear of starting something new! As Carol Dweck writes in her book Mindset, the biggest downside of a fixed mindset is the inability to cope with failure or take risks.

Here are some good ideas to try:

  1. Juggling — the research on this is unequivocal. Juggling helps in nerve fiber growth and increased connectivity in the brain at any age. This is my plan for 2017.
  2. A Musical Instrument — a tough one if you had no exposure as a kid and can’t tell notes apart but if you can, pick up that guitar.
  3. A New Language — there’s even some research linking this to better impulse control! I started learning Spanish a while ago and found it immensely therapeutic.
  4. A New “Sport”- probably the most challenging as we get older, so better start now! Buy a bike.. or a Steph Curry vest.
  5. Teenager chops — everyone has some teenage skill they missed picking up on — video games, driving or perhaps just using Snapchat :) ? For me this one is touch typing at 80 wpm but anything that requires new complex muscle memory works

A truly challenging project is likely to be a year or two year project so the key is to give yourself time to accomplish it and plenty of positive reinforcement when you make progress.



Sandhya Hegde

GP at Unusual Ventures, investing in AI, new age SaaS. Previously EVP@Amplitude_HQ, VC @Sequoia @KhoslaVentures. Alum Stanford GSB, IIT Bombay